
Note: Walmart

Annual report 2011

Mission "Save money. Live better"
"We save people money so they can live better"
Sales $421, 849 mil (COGS 315,287/ 74.74%)
operating income $ 25,542 mil
Net income $16,389

<--! Inventories 36,318 (DSI: 42days) --!>
Receivables,net 5,089 (DSO: 4.40days)

Cash Flow Analysis
  • Accruals/ TA = {16389 - (23643 - 12699 +489)} / 180663 = 2.74%
  • Operating Accruals to Current Assets {(23538 + 7461) - (23643+6984+ 2163)} / 51893 = -3.10%
  • CAPEX to depreciation     (12699 - 489)/ 7641 = 1.60

EPS ratios

  • EGR 8.20 %
  • PEf 11.16
  • PEG 1.33
Increase in Inventories (3086)??

Inventory/receivable system
(corporate site)
(Supply chain management)
RFID(radio frequency identification), Vendor-managed inventory

Increase in DTL 804
(P&E 833)
Tax paid in the U.S.  $17705 => 18398. Thus, its income is proven by tax pa

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