
Wicked (Broadway)

I've seen twice Wicked by National Tour (in LA, San Diego)

Third time but first time in BROADWAY!


  • The whole theater not only the stage entertains spectators. Like this

    More than that,
the stage itself has special features. Extended footholds, holes, many lights..etc, all of which help the witch's magic (lol). Seriously, it's big deal through every numbers.

  • No one mourns the Wicked
          After, "Look Glinda" Joke "You are not seeing TED (just started movie)" or something like that.
          Before the scene of Shiz, Glinda tried to touch Boq, some friend, then finally Elphaba. 父とDocter Dillamondはあまり歌が上手くなかった。具体的には音が高めで響かない。特に羊っぽさを出さなきゃいけないSomething Badだとちと気になった。
  • What is This feeling
          Elphaba tried to touch friends as if she in fact wants friends...
  •  Dancing Through Life
            When Elphaba comes, Nessarose, who is in the center, lit by the main light hurry to go away from the party. Boq runs after her but miss her and he really regrets he couldn't say the truth to her (covering his face with his hands). Stressed that Glinda just tries to be "good" from the bottom of her heart, and Elphaba offers her hand meaning she wants it badly. Dances are not so strange, just like modern dance.
  • Popular
          Glinda looks not so stupid compared with national tour (it's through the stage). (Actually in my opinion green face doesn't have any disturbance on the beauty of Elphaba: Jackie Bruns lol)

  • I'm not that girl
          Glinda reaches her hand to Fiyero but just take it back as if she really wants him (she uses this expression of wanting someone through the stage) 
  • The scene they run away taking an animal in danger.
          Fiyero gets the wrong way but it's not humorously.
  • One Short Day 
          Using balloon. Winged Monkey are flying using ropes.
  • Defying Gravity 
          With the hole furnished with stairs. And it starts with no recess, which makes it more serious and under difficult situation. And it also has a great impact that Glinda has a valid point (not stupid). Parting seems not evitable, and moving...
          Elphaba sings very well. "I'm afraid"での3度上げや後半部分での抑揚の付け方など、オリジナリティと構成を妨害しない技術で素晴らしい。
  • Thank Goodness
          Also, it's easy to sympathize with Glinda. (BTW as I saw Evita yesterday, I thought in this scene she imitates the speech of Evita? just saying)
  • Wonderful
         Elphaba gets not so into Oz, which makes it more realistic. 
  • I'm not that girl
         the feeling comes across that Glinda just tries to be "good" not stupidly but in vain. Not humor. or She does not deserve it. Tragic.
  • As long as  you're mine
           Elphaba's pause before "I feel wicked" is pretty hot and good lol
  • The scene Nessarose dies 
          Glinda says an accident but not mention mortgage loan or subprime loan (in California, it's humor you know?lol)
  • For Good Deed
          Elphaba sings well (second time). 地声を裏声に抜けさせて抑揚を付けていて上手い。
  • March of the Witch hunters
          Also Glinda seems reasonable. and feel sorry for her.
  • For Good
         Big and Good difference. Glinda keeps serious draw not so big laughing (eg, "I have many friends" saying just rapidly). Every time I saw Wicked, I only sympathized only with Elphaba. But this time, I can sympathize with both of them, and I see Glinda in Elphaba (She in reality wants someone to support her) and Elpaba and Glinda (she in reality wants to be what she, not "people", believes in) . Two ways passed on the cross. They cannot go back to the cross. But they believe it has changed them for good... 

I gotta face the reality right now!!


Review of '12 Spring Quarter

Ø  Auditing (Grade: A)
 財務諸表監査について基準の理解と適用を中心に扱った授業。教授はPwCサンディエゴで長年業務に関わった元パートナーの方だった。授業形式としては、テキストMcGraw-Hill ”Principles of Auditing & Other Assurance Service”での予習を前提に、授業、毎週の宿題、レポート、期末を含む3回のテスト、というものだった。具体的な授業内容としては、概論、監査人の責任や倫理規則、監査計画の設定、内部統制、各監査手続、意見表明を扱い、Public Company(上場企業)の財務諸表監査ほぼ全体をカバーした。元パートナーだけあって実査や不正、倫理の話で豊富な実例、そして時事ネタも交えた授業で大変刺激的だった。特に私は日本で私が受けた監査の授業と比べることができるので、より一層興味深かった。例えば、共通点としては「監査ではクライアントの生活環境に注意して、金遣いが荒くなったという噂を聞いたら気をつけてください」というワザは日本でも聞いたことがあったので、面白かった。その一方で、相違点として興味深かったのは「企業環境の理解や内部統制に重点をおいて監査をする」点だった。私はまだ実際に日本にて監査に従事していないので現場の雰囲気は分かりかねる。ただ、少なくとも授業の比較においては日本では内部統制よりも監査手続の積み重ねに重点が置かれていたような覚えがある。その点、私は顧客企業の経営視点からの監査に魅力を感じていたため、各サイクルを統率する内部統制に対してトップダウンで把握して、監査手続を実施する点を好意的に受け止めて授業を受けていた。なお、宿題ではPCAOBの諸リリースに関する要約が中心で、レポートではLife Technologyに関する財務諸表分析、PCAOBの懲戒処分を扱った。テストは50問の真偽問題と選択肢問題の組み合わせ形式だった。

Ø  Intermediate Accounting B (Grade: A)
 昨期受講した”Intermediate Accounting A”から引き続き、USCPAの試験範囲ほぼ全体をカバーする授業。BではCompensated Absences, Payroll Liabilities, Bond Premium & Discount, Equity, Investments, Percentage of Completion, Revenue recognition, Accounting for income taxes, Accounting for Pensions, Statement of Cash Flowsを扱った。具体的な内容としては昨期と変わらず、計算過程と仕訳に重点を置いた内容だった。教科書はWiley”Intermediate Accounting”という1440ページあるものだったが、実例が豊富で読んでいて興味深かった。そのため、教科書のうち授業で扱わなかったAccounting for Derivatives, Accounting for Leasesなども含め一通り教科書は全部読んで独学した。なお、”Advanced Accounting”の内容であるConsolidated Financial Statements, Accounting for Foreign Currencyは参考書で軽く理解するに留まった為、日本に帰ったら既習部分の復習と共に理解を深めたい。宿題、中間テスト、期末テスト全て満点を取ることが出来た。

Ø  Business Project Management (Grade: A-)
 ビジネスに広く応用できるプロジェクトマネジメントの手法について理解を深める授業。McGraw-Hill “Project Management the Management Process”を用いて、授業、宿題、Microsoft Projectを用いた課題、Mini Quiz, 中間及び期末テストをこなす形式だった。Scope Statement, Work Breakdown Statementを用いトップダウンで行動方針を定めて、Gantt ChartNetwork Diagramで全体像を把握しつつ、経過分析を行う一連の流れに付いて学ぶことができた。私は元々、極度のトップダウン偏重経営にはあまり好感は持っていなかったが、一度プロジェクトマネジメントについて全体を眺めてみることで、具体的なメリット(部分最適を避け全体的な目的からの乖離が防げる、など)とデメリット(現時点で持つ情報に対する硬直的な依拠、など)について改めて考える契機となったので意義深かった。



 The smartest person in the room is the ROOM.

I can draw the conclude of this book as above.
It is interesting but it seems not sufficient to prove this conclusion.
The author mainly points out historical examples.
Though it is plausible, I'm interested in the actual function affecting people
into take some action.
Thus it is not convincing to me.

Voice =F(Larynx, True vocal cord,C)

By now,
I distinguished my voice into

[chest voice][head voice][falsetto]

But actually I found out another relation seems more suitable.

Dependent Variance: Z=Voice
Independent Variance: Larynx(X), True vocal cord(Y)
Indifference number: C

F(a,b,C) = Z
F(a,b,C) = aX + bY + C




"Would you show me where your mind is?"


「mindは頭にあるから。mind, heart, soulと3つ違うところに一つの欧米文化の特徴がある」











  1. 習慣の環境の変更 (食後は速やかに禁煙スペースに行く)
  2. 習慣の効用の代替管理(食後はガムを噛む癖を付けてスッキリさせる)
  3. 短期的な効用最適化行動に対する短期的な賞罰(吸ったら罰金、吸わなかったらご褒美)」





mental trainingに長けた人間になれればと思います。僕はね。



Winter Quarterのおさらい

なお、前期からUCSDの授業を3つ取れるUPS Programに参加している。
1.    Intermediate Accounting A
米国公認会計士試験レベルの財務会計に関して、後半部分たるBと合わせて包括的な知識を得ることを目的とした授業である。具体的には、Accounting Information System, Financial Statement Format, Cash and Receivables, Inventories, Property, Plant and Equipment, Depreciation, Intangible Assetまでであった。授業の形式は週二回のLectureであり、毎週教科書に則った宿題が要求された。内容としては会計概念よりは会計処理の習得を念頭においているため、特に英語であるための困難は感じなかった。

2.    Innovation to Market
市場に衝撃を与えられるような起業家を育成することを目的とした授業である。具体的には指定された教材をassignmentとして毎週読み込んだ上でのdiscussion、それに平行してのグループごとによるbusiness planの構築が中心となる。教科書や教材の中にはCaliforniaで日々生み出されるstartupsの実態が描かれており、その大胆さや忍耐強さ、発想の面白さなど、刺激を受けた。Business planはグループにて「女性に焦点を絞った小売店」を提案した。結果としてはあまり納得のいくものは作り上げられなかったが、中国人や韓国人、中国系アメリカ人達と議論するにあたって何に気をつけるべきかー例えば目的を明確にする、ビジョンを共有しながら議論を進める、等痛感する良い機会となった。

3.    Behavior Modification
直訳すると行動変容、分類上は行動主義心理学に属する心理学で、非科学的な手法に陥りやすい精神分析を離れて、人間行動に焦点を合わせた手法をとる。具体的な特徴としては、correlational approach, empirical approach, social validityといったものがある。現在、経営学においてもChristensenはもちろんのことLean Startupにおいても顧客の行動分析を軸にした経営が注目されている背景があり、当該分析において半歩進んでいる行動主義心理学を学べたことは大きな意義があった。


Reinventing the CFO

The CFO as Freedom fighter

  • Devolution
    • Risk Approach based on Value : Manage by Exception
    • Simplify Accounting Process. Be skeptical of IT and Outsourcing
  • Rough Budgeting
    • 18 months budgeting
    • do not dig into the detail
The CFO => Financial Change Leader
The CFO as Analyst and Adviser
  • Recruit ing the right people: look for people with communications skills
  • Be a skeptic, not a cynic: ensure you understand the business
1. The CFO as Architect of Adaptive Management
  • See performance accountability in terms of relative improvement compared with prior years
  • Sence-and-Respond; rather than Predict-and-Control / PDSA Cycle
  • Making Simple Rolling Forecasts <1. only a few months ahead / 2.12 -18 months> 
  • Focus performance evaluation on teams rather than individuals

2. The CFO as Warrior Against Waste
  • 20 to 40 percent of costs related to no-value activities
  • Budgets protect wastes
  • Lean thinking based on System

3. The CFO as Master of Measurement
  • Use only a few key measures (less than 6 or 7)
  • Open up the information system
  • Use a range of measures to inform a discussion about management performance

4. The CFO as Regulator of Risk
  • Respond to the spirit rather than just the letter of the law


IGPI流 経営分析のリアル・ノウハウ

IGPI流 経営分析のリアル・ノウハウ
富山和彦 & IGPI  

  1. 経営分析の心得 F/S 3表から小説を描く。インパクトの大きい部分をシンプルに、付加価値に注目する。平均や数値にこだわらず、実際の行動をイメージする。
  2. 勝ちパターン
    • コスト面(共有コスト、固有コスト)
      • 規模の経済(規模型事業) 鉄鋼、素材
      • 範囲の経済 カネボウ化粧品
      • 密度の経済 生コン、電炉、立地、セブンイレブン
        • 家電量販店 - ロードサイドと都市での違い。業態特性と経済メカニズム
      • (経験曲線)
    • バリュー面
      • ネットワーク外部性 携帯
      • スイッチングコスト 携帯
      • (標準化戦略)
    • Industrial Value Chain
      • 水平分業 or 垂直統合、川上 or 川下、産業全体
          • (エレクトロニクス成功 1.擦り合わせインテグラル 2.世界中の顧客 3. ニッチな市場で支配的なシェア)
      • 機会事業、障壁事業
    • (3C, 5 Force, SWOT, PEST - Analysis from the aspect of Economic Mechanism)
  3. 経営分析
    • Activity Based P/L, B/Sフェルミ推定で数字先行にしない。
    • 相場観を養う
    • 管理会計の視点 商品ごとのコスト、会社ごとのスパン


Sky Diving

=> think / commitment => courageous

Just like a dive to the water
=> fly in the sky because wind is so strong
=> mexico
much more interesting when I ponder it objectively.
POV - Dead/ Alive boundary - daydreaming
make it easy to commit suicide by jumping off from the top of the building

Parachute is more thrilling
- especially when harness is unfastened.
- and when you control it

On board
The instructor said
"yours are Chinese, mine are Japanese ちょっと危ないね""Ebizori!"

  • If you have a specific commitment, you do not need to worry about anything.


Lean Startup

Lean Startup
"Create Value at minimal cost"


  •   Start up - Organization, new product or service, under extremely uncertainty
  •   Lean Management screens waste and value / part with "just-do-it" style or "the right place at the right time"
  •   Validated Learning - Value hypothesis / Growth Hypothesis
  •      Experiment of behavior to check hypotheses => vision


  •    <speed up the feedback loop> -(idea) - Build - (product) - Measure - (data) - Learn -
  •    Learn  Elevator pitch - (X needs O because A)antecede and analogy with the fact - based on assumption relevant to "leap-of-faith" questions
  •    Analog vs Antilog (Sony Walkman vs Napster / iPod)
  •    Genchi, Genbutsu - Deming
  •    Minimum Viable Product (MVP) - Test what is value for customers
    • Video MVP, Concierge MVP, Wizard of Oz (human) testing MVP
  • Innovation Accounting
    • Vanity Metrics (based on only growth hypothesis or superficial page views, just do Agile Development) 
    • vs. Actionable Metric (3A) implement Kanban(until learn is done, do not develop) and split testing
      • Actionable (correlation, cause and effect)
      • Accessible (simple, cohort-based reports, widespread access to the reports / embed a system in a product)
      • Audible (Difficulty of responsibility <= meet a customer / primary date
  •   Adaptive Organization ……5 Whys / allocate Black Belts to each teams
  •   Innovative Organization
    • Scarce but Secure Resources
    • Independent Development Authority
    • A personal Stake in the Outcome / 主査


Note: Walmart

Annual report 2011

Mission "Save money. Live better"
"We save people money so they can live better"
Sales $421, 849 mil (COGS 315,287/ 74.74%)
operating income $ 25,542 mil
Net income $16,389

<--! Inventories 36,318 (DSI: 42days) --!>
Receivables,net 5,089 (DSO: 4.40days)

Cash Flow Analysis
  • Accruals/ TA = {16389 - (23643 - 12699 +489)} / 180663 = 2.74%
  • Operating Accruals to Current Assets {(23538 + 7461) - (23643+6984+ 2163)} / 51893 = -3.10%
  • CAPEX to depreciation     (12699 - 489)/ 7641 = 1.60

EPS ratios

  • EGR 8.20 %
  • PEf 11.16
  • PEG 1.33
Increase in Inventories (3086)??

Inventory/receivable system
(corporate site)
(Supply chain management)
RFID(radio frequency identification), Vendor-managed inventory

Increase in DTL 804
(P&E 833)
Tax paid in the U.S.  $17705 => 18398. Thus, its income is proven by tax pa



<Make a list, and analyze!>

High-concept <premise-description + hook>

3 Act  8 Sequences (each 15min)

1. Act 1 (30min/100p) 2 sequences

  • opening image
  • meet the hero/ine
  • Here/ine's (inner and) outer desire
  • Hero/ine's arc
  • Inciting incident/Call to Adventure
  • Meet the antagonist(and/or introduce a mystery, which is what you do when you're going to keep your antagonist hidden to reveal at the end) (villain often has the same purpose  but via a different way)State the theme/what's the story about
  • Allies
  • Mentor (possibly. May not have one or may be revealed later in the story)
  • Love interest
  • Plant/Reveal
  • Hope/Fear
  • Time clock (possibly. May not have one or may be revealed later in the story)
  • Sequence One climax
  • Central Question
  • Act One climax


2-A. Act 2 (total:60min /200p) 4 sequences
Part ONE (30 min /100P)

  • Crossing the Threshold/ Into the Special World (may occur in Act One/ Matrix<a red pill>)
  • Threshold Guardian/ Guardian at the Gate (possibly)
  • Here/ine's Plan
  • Antagonist's plan
  • Training Sequence
  • Series of Tests
  • Picking up new Allies
  • Assembling the Team
  • Attacks by the Antagonist (whether or not the Hero/ine recognizes these as coming from the antagonist)
  • In a detective story, Questioning Witnesses, Lining Up and Eliminating Suspects, Following Clues

The Midpoint

  • Completely changes the game
  • Locks the hero/ine into a situation or action
  • Can be a huge revelation
  • Can be a huge defeat
  • Can be a "now it's personal" loss
  • Can be sex at 60 - the lovers finally get together, only to open up a whole new world of problems

Part TWO(30min/ 100P)

  • Recalibrating - after the shock or defeat of the game-changer in the midpoint, the hero/ine must Revamp The Plan and try a New Mode of Attack
  • Escalating Actions/ Obsessive Drive
  • Hard Choices and Crossing The Line(immoral actions by the main character to get what s/he wants)
  • Loss of Key Allies (possibly because of the hero/ine's obsessive actions, possibly through death or injury by the antagonist)
  • A Ticking Clock (can happen anywhere in the story)
  • Reversals and Revelations/Twists
  • The Long Dark Night of the Soul and/or Visit to Death (also known as: All Is Lost)

The Second Act Climax

  • Often can be a final revelation before the end game: the knowledge of who the opponent really is 
  • Answers the Central Question

Act 3 (20min/ 60p) 2 sequences
       The third act is basically the Final Battle and Resolution. It can often be one continuous sequence - the chase and confrontation, or confrontation and chase. There may be a final preparation for battle, or it might be done on the fly. Either here or in the last part of the second act the hero will make a new, FINAL PLAN, based on the new information and revelations of the second act
       The essence of a third act is the final showdown between protagonist and antagonist. It is often divided into two sequences:
       1: Getting there (Storming the Castle)
       2: The final battle itself

  • Thematic Location - often a visual and literal representation of the Hero/ine's Greatest Nightmare
  • The protagonist's character change
  • The antagonist's character change
  • Possibly ally/allies' character changes and/or gaining of desire
  • Possibly a huge final reversal or reveal(twist), or even a whole series of payoffs that you've been saving
  • RESOLUTION: A glimpse in the New Way of Life that the hero/ine will be living after this whole ordeal and all s/he's learned from it.
  • Closing Image

Hero/ine 's change of Motive (to inner ones)
Antagonist's change (turns out to be an ally of hero/ine)
Make it Universal motive


  1. Visionally Story telling (Study from movies < an Establishing shot & a Master shot >Setpiece scenes)
  2. Creating suspense (insects-esque scene, naked, water, when you are not prepared for attacking, "who is doing this?" question-hanging approach)
  3. Plants and Payoffs (a picture in Back To the Future , a rose in Beauty and Beast/ often inserted later)
  4. Big twist (big secret, misleading narrator, antagonist turns out to be an ally)
  5. Character Introductions (irresistible character introduction)
  6. Fairy Tale Structure  (kind to readers/ three fairy tale theory. Three-task structure, Three-sibling structure, Three-magical ally structure)
  7. Meta Structure (energia / "story designing principle"// "sometimes there is just a perfect way to tell a story"). 
  8. Top things I know about Editing (Cut,cut,cut; Read your book aloud. All of it. Cover to cover; Find a great critique group; Do several passes; Whatever your genre is, do a dedicated pass focusing on that crucial genre element; Know your Three-Act structure; Do a dedicated desire line pass; Do a dedicated Emotional pass; Do a dedicated sensory pass; Go back through your story grid and check for all the story elements we've discussed in this book )


Note: Johnson & Johnson

sales 65,030 (international 36,1  / U.S. 28,9 )
Remicade a lucrative rheumatoid arthritis  5,492

Medical devices and diagnostics 25
8,272 (33%)
Pharmaceutical segment  23
7,086 (31%)
Consumer segment 15
2, 342 (16%)

selling, marketing and administrative expenses on sale
19,424 / 61,587 = 32%

Net Income $ 13,334 million

"The source of our enduring strength is a fundamental commitment to
Our Credo
and an operating model that has served us well for decades."

Broadly based in human health
Managed for the long term
Decentralized approach
People and Value


Note: Talk with the Neuroscientist of UCSD

University system
: Rotation
: Recruit each department (including not only professors but also students)
: Refreshment of people is indispensable. ig) UCSF
: (master+phd) Salary, exempt from tuition, housing
    There is no creativity. Only input.=> seminars, networks, dissertations and then share with other people
    in Japan, it is difficult. Then, professors compel students to engage in massive laboring research. And it
    often leads to the futile result that is already discovered by other researchers.

理研 Bsi

Core Bio
=> cancer or ES
 cancer has reached an impasse.

Nature or Nurture
R2 =0.33
but fail to contain another DNA
(not only T,C,G,A but also inherit some protein and receiver)
Nurture includes too broad areas
needs to divide periods (language ~9 years old / Motor ~12years old)

New research Mouse
Orange light
Blue light
Red Light
=> turn on/off the switch related to every neuro systems.

depends on experience?
certain environment affects. without specific scent, it's gonna be possible to imitate?


Note: Morgan Stanley

Net Revenues: $ 31.6 bil (2010)
Total Non-interest revenues $30.7bil ()
Net income to c/s $3.59bil

Institutional Securities(mil)
Principal trading $8,154<=$6,591
Investment banking $4,295<= $4,455



Cash, short-term and long-term security SUM $ 97.6 billion (Dec 31 2012)

Sales$108,249 mil Net income $25,922mil

Even if I follow the more or less far-fetched estimate of Facebook, the Internet advertising market
will be $ 120 billion in 2015. Manufacturing is not gonna be profitable compared with software development, but its size of market seems mesmerizing.

Days sales of inventory 4.40 days (Sep 2011, )
Extraordinary(ref HP's DSI of cost of product equals 41.95 days)

Accrued expense
Deferred revenue
Vendor non-trade receivables <= just in time $6,348 mil (=> COGS $64,431?)


アメリカと日本のAnnual Report(有報)に対する姿勢の違い




なのでほぼ一緒です。UCLAではIntermediate Accounting がFARに相当しています。

市販のテキストもWiley Reviewと、既に勉強済みの人を対象としています。

ここでは有価証券報告書/ Annual Report のフォーマットの違いを挙げたいと思います。
有報/Annual Report(10K)の様式自体は似ているのですが、アメリカだと
Annual Reportの前に添付する形で、経営者からのメッセージなどを載せているケースが多くて

たとえば、Buffettで有名なBerkshire HathawayのAnnual Reportにおける
GoogleのAnnual Reportもfounder's letterがアラブの春にまで話題が及び読み物として楽しめました。




特に、最近倒産して(Chapter11を申請して)話題になったKodakですが、そのAnnual Reportを見ると
Year 2006では経営者がAnnual Reportに




Note: Coca Cola

Sales 35 bil dollars
days sales inventories 75 days
ROS 34%, OIOS 24% GP 64%

Mega deal CCE $2,511  mil

the plight of Coke
 customer need shifts from soda to still beverage
 less profitable, inventories


note: P & G

P&G 2011 June

sales $ 82 billion
Income from operating $ 15.8 bil
Net income       $11.7 bil

Weak Cash flows from operating activities
Surge in Inventories
=> manipulate?
COGS reverse effect
=> SG&A 25,973 / 82,559 = 31.4%

Fabric Care 22%
Beauty 20%
Baby Care & Family Care 18%

Accruals to Total Assets 1.35%
Operating accruals to CA 5.33%


Note: Facebook Form S-1 Registration Statement

Facebook is ready for IPO
S-1 Registration Statement

$3 billion sales =>$2 billion income from operation=> $1 billion net income

$37.9 bil sales => 11.7 bil income from operation => $9.7 bil net income

845 mil MAU from 608 mil, 100 bil   (google+ 90mil)
65 mil per day compared with American idol 29 mil watchers
P&G 9% 27 consecutive months ad

588 bil Advertising
     363 bil off the internet 62%
     on the Internet 68 bil => 120 bil

Foreign exchange rate
  129 mil Google Britain 3.2% lower, 834mil the rest of the world 5.1% lower
 Sales & Marketing 9.5% => 12.1% labor cost

The number of employee (from this site)
Google : 26k
Facebook:  2.25k

Executive compensation
Zuckerberg 1,487k  57.1% voting power (Stock B's voting power is ten times as Stock A)
Sandberg 30,873k
Ebersman  18,676k


Why do excellent managers fail if they listen to consultants and bankers?

Last week,  I read "The Innovator's Dilemma."
It's about why successful companies cannot catch up with new innovation.
The main thesis is that a company always needs to create new customers from new technology.
It is unique that he uses a lot of actual examples of the hard disk industry, the excavator industry,
the steel industry and so on to reveal how successful companies lost their outstanding ranking.

According to the author, the better management executives are, the more probable their companies fail
to catch up with the new technology.

He refers to such a new technology as "disruptive technology", because it creates new customers and new markets. It consists of three elements: cheep, plain, and the function not for mainstream customers.
When it comes to disruptive technology, it is fetal to enter the market of this technology. It is too late to
wait for this emerging market to enlarge enough.

However, excellent firms tend to overlook this opportunity though they have sufficient or much better
technology compared with start-ups.

Mainly, there are two reasons.
They're said from the point of view of consultants and of investment bankers.

Firstly, successful companies are inclined to listen to their main customers too carefully.
It is widely believed thought especially in terms of marketing consultants,
but it makes managers blind about step out to create new customers.
They keep inventing additional functions just for their mainstream customers.
The author calls this kind of network as Value Network.

Secondly, the pressure from investors forces managers to concentrate on only big and profitable markets.
This is because they need to retain their growth rate of sales or income to satisfy investors.
However, it makes it hard for them to try new market even if sometimes followed by failure.
At first, the market of disruptive technology is unknown to anybody and it is usually small.

Then, what do they do to keep up with disruptive innovation?
The author introduced RPV model.

RPV represents Resource, Process and Value.
Resource: Human resource, funding resource
Process: How to make a decision
Value: New value network

Then the author says it is appropriate to make suitable organization whose RPV is fitted to the disruptive technology market.

It is paradoxical and interesting.
Especially, I think it is objective that the author just observes a lot of cases of HD companies
and analyze it in a scientific way.
However, in terms of actual strategy, it seems far-fetched because he thinks just in his mind and
he does not introduce other point of view such as engineers, sales person or usual office workers.
Maybe he could not push his boundaries of top-down management of the US.