

“May I buy this?”

 “May I take it?”


 こちらでは、幸いなことにDVDが安かったり、Huluというドラマをタダで見られるサイトがあったりするので、gleethe officeといったコメディを見て、笑いつつ聞き取りに勤しんでいます。



"Financial Statement Analysis":
 財務諸表分析、金融でいうCorporate Finance ”Valuation”を会計の視点もいれつつ学ぶという授業。先生は会計士出身でウォール街でのアナリスト、The White Houseでの経済顧問を経て今年からThe Anderson school
 英語がとんでもなく速いですが、valuationという内容自体は日本での専攻と一緒だったので、どうにかなりました。その上でC/Fを利用したExcelでの財務モデリングや、”cookie jar reserve”といった粉飾手口、それを暴く為のC/F財務指標、など新たな発見もあったので面白かったです。

UCLA extension: こちらは語学学校の方です。
 小説を1冊読むことになっていて、テストもここから出ました。私は”the lovely bones”を読みました。他にも、非ネイティブには難しい”athe”の違いや、英語でのロジカルな文章の進め方も習えて、意外と収穫が多かったです。
 また、午後の授業ではこれとは別に選択の授業があるのですが、そこでは"Street Talk"を取りました。freak me out, tacky, screw upとか学校では学ばないけど日常生活で多用する俗語を学べて、有意義でした。

 カリフォルニアのディズニー「カリフォルニアアドベンチャーランド」には絶叫系観覧車があるとか、Holly Woodは実際のところ何も無くてしょっぱいとか積もる話もありますが、今回はここでclosing journal entriesです。次回は田舎のサンディエゴからお送りします!



Though some people want to go on a trip to Las Vegas or Grand Canyon,
I'm interested in scuba diving.
Therefore, now I'm looking for a nice driving school in San Diego.

What is difficult is that I don't have a car.
There are many good schools in La Jolla beach, but it takes several hours from here
to go there.
So, I have to find a driving school close to Mission Bay.

Anyway, my home stay father said that I can go diving all the year around,
so first of all, I wanna try a beginner's try course!

Recently, I saw some articles dealing with Bain Capital who founded by Mitt Romney.
Some say Bain Capital is a representative of greed wall street economy in the US,
but I think they help existent companies hire more people than if they hadn't invested money.
That's because in general, private equity funds put their money into companies who have got into trouble.
Accordingly, Bain capital failed in recovering 20% of companies they invested,
but it's more appropriate to say they saved as much as 80% of companies concerned.

Romney's career is extraordinary: he graduated from HBS as one of the top students and he succeeded in gaining huge returns from Bain Capital.
Some pundit say he is the richest candidate ever in the US, and enormous amount of money sent by Wall Street banks get his back.
I look forward to seeing the battle between Obama, who is the advocates of social warfare, versus Romney, who is the one of the most successful businessperson in the world.

I don't know why, but these days, I tend to find difficulty in speaking English fluently.
Several reasons come up with me.
But the biggest problem is that I'm rash in being good at English.
Due to it, I try to speak English faster than I can. Then I often stutter during speaking.
My primary purpose is improving my oral English skill, but I don't need to feel obsession about it.

It reminds me of the importance of "Take it easy."


Classes in UCSD

First of all,
the grade of the class I took last quarter, "Financial Statement Analysis" in UCLA came out.
That was great, so I restored my confidence a little.

Compared with UCLA, UCSD seems very rural from both good and bad meanings.
I'm slightly tired of that almost all buses do not run at night, but thanks to this desert of entertainment, I can concentrate on my studying more than in LA.

Now, at my home stay house, two students, except me, stay.
I freaked out when only me stayed here because I found every attention from home stay family paid to me. Thus, since other two students arrived, I feel less uneasy.
The home stay family consist of Father, Mother, daughter(19), son(17) and some pets.
I was astounded about some idiosyncrasies of typical american family, and I'll talk about it someday.
I winced a little at having difficulty in eating vegetable, and I have to work out every day not to get fat.

So far, I truly enjoy classes in UCSD.
UPS program is very organized and Megan, a academic advisor (she's quite nice and perspicacious!) helps kindly all of the students choose classes they want to take, 
we can take classes just like a UCSD students.

Though some troubles lurked and I was forced to flip-flopped a little,
I've decided on what class I take!!!

1st "Intermediate Accounting A" 
with Intermediate Accounting B in the next quarter, covers all realms which needed for the USCPA exam 

2nd "Innovation to Market A"
Fosters entrepreneurship. I dare to experience discussion and giving a presentation which freak me out, but contribute to my oral English skill.

3rd "Behavior Modification"
From the psychology department. The psychology that focuses on human behavior, and the instructor teaches how to change human behavior to utilize for the society.

As a result,
I'm enourmously satisfied with these classes because I'm into all of these classes.

These days, I felt bummed about my poor English speaking, 
but through accomplishing assignments given in these classes, I wanna improve my English level!!


Arrived in San Diego

Hi, it seems a long time since I wrote the last post...
I traveled in this winter vacation, and I arrived in San Diego on December 29th in 2011.
Now, I take a UPS program, in which I can take classes in UCSD along with UCSD students.

I feel San Diego is a very comfortable place. In a good meaning, it is rural compared with Los Angeles.
It's safe to walk at night, everyone is kind(when I say "thank you" to a bus driver, every bus driver says "you're welcome"), and natural landscape is beautiful.

This week, I gotta choose which lectures I'm gonna take.
The process is the same way in UCLA.
Firstly, I got a signature from a in structure, and also some of departments need their stamp to permit enrollment.
Though I had small troubles, everything's all right so far.
I wanna take "Intermediate Accounting",
and I succeeded in getting approval of Management Department (Rady school of Management)
I couldn't get permission of more classes related to USCPA, but I'm relieved that I fulfill my minimum wish.

In UPS, we're supposed to take 12 units practically 3 lectures.
Therefore, I need to take another 2 lectures.
I'm interested in

"The Information Age: Facts & Fictn"
"Behavioral Modification"
"Innovation to Market"

Anyway, I'll decide on what I'm gonna take by this Friday.

(I took this picture during my travel)